StepEditor can be used for writing digital books, organize "stuff", create tree data structures and family trees, and it can be used for online documentation(once Step Reader is completed). In terms of reader, Step is an alternative to PDF, Word Documents and HTML documents. Like some magic book, a page from a Step can be exported and shared with others, and each Step is recorded like an auto-bookmark. It is very light and not bulky compared to PDF.
It consumes less space than PDF, Word Documents and HTML documents, and it is oriented for reading on a computer. The text size is large to ease the tension on the eye muscles and the colors is aimed at being like fresh water for the eyes. Computer screens tend to be smart light bulps, and smart holiday lights; for the most part, light is aimed directly towards the eyes. Step aims at being very easy on the eyes while remaining uniform.
Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003 Server/Vista
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