UPS Assistant is intended for monitoring of status of the Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), connected to a computer through USB- or COM-port and supporting the Megatec/Centralion protocol (Ippon, Mustek, Sven, Inelt, ...). Features UPS Assistant: monitoring of status of the UPS, connected to a computer through USB- or COM-port; logging accidents with the possibility of clearing and saving to a text file; submitting reports on the status of the UPS with a given frequency and warnings of emergency situations via e-mail or LAN messages; report on the status of the UPS in the form of HTML-page through the HTTP-server; toggle UPS beeper; UPS battery tests; suspend, hibernate, shutdown at power fail: at a voltage reduction on battery below admissible, through the set interval of time; autorun with Windows; adjustment of an interval of updating of the information on a status of the UPS; save settings in Windows registry. At start the program is turned off in tray and displays the information on a current status of the UPS three possible icons - power O.K.; AVR; power fail.
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Upload Date: 1 Jan 15
Distribution Type: Freeware
Downloads: 225
Size: 662 Kb
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