TTXN WebMeeting is a meeting software suite, you can install it at home, company or anywhere. No Cloud, No Big Data! Meeting,Training,Learning or Supporting anywhere. To deploy TTXN WebMeeting server won't take your a minute, as easy as 1,2,3.
1. Download the 32bit or 64bit server package, which is self-extract file. 2. Run it to extract files to a directory. 3. Go to the directory, and run 'T120.exe'. Then all is ready.
To use it, please open a web browser, input the URL (http://[your server ip]:120/) in address bar, then you can start to explore the function of WebMeeting.
Features: 1. Share your windows desktop to Windows,Linux or MAC user. 2. Attendees can draw lines on host screen during sharing desktop without interrupting host operation. 3. Share your android camera on internet. 4. Audio,Video,Chat,Whiteboard 5. HTML5 high performance chat room. 6. To join meeting, attendee don't need to install additional client software, very convenient.
Meeting terminates after 15 minutes
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