OptiVec for Visual C++ 64-bit

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OptiVec for Visual C++ 64-bit
Software Details:
Version: 6.5.6
Upload Date: 9 Dec 14
Distribution Type: Shareware
Price: 249.00 $
Downloads: 86
Size: 6220 Kb

Rating: 3.2/5 (Total Votes: 5)

OptiVec contains more than 3500 hand-optimized, assembler-written functions for all floating-point and integer data types from the following fields: 1. Vectorized form of arithmetic operators and math functions. 2. Matrix operations, e.g.: multiplication, inversion, LU decomposition, singular value decomposition, Cholesky, eigenvalues. 3. Fast Fourier Transform techniques for efficient convolutions, correlation analyses, spectral filtering, etc., both one- and two-dimensional. 4. Curve fitting for a wide range of model functions from simple linear regression to non-linear models with multiple data sets. 5. Statistics. 6. Analysis (derivatives, integrals, extrema, interpolation). 7. Graphical representation of data in Cartesian coordinates. 8. Complex number math, both in cartesian and polar format. The vectorized implementation in Assembler makes OptiVec functions, on the average, 2-3 times faster than compiled source code of the same functionality. In many instances, the numerical accuracy is improved as well. The optional object-oriented interface for C++, "VecObj", offers simplified function calls and increased memory safety. This version is for Microsoft Visual C++ 64-bit (Visual Studio, at least the 2005 version).

What is new in this release:

  • Compatibility with latest compiler versions
  • Cholesky solver
  • Counting functions


Microsoft Visual Studio (at least Visual C++ 2005)


90-day trial

Supported Operation Systems

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