String is a virtual instrument that emulates the beautiful sound of the polyphonic string synthesizer. Its authentic tone comes from its accurate emulation of the divide-down oscillator technology and bucket-brigade chorus units behind the lush ensemble...

lower cap

lower cap 3.0.0u

what is it? lower cap is a color effect plugin that simply ensures that every channel (red, green, blue) in a pixel has a minimum value. you can control each channel individually. whenever a channel's value is below the cap value, it will be re-set to...


m3u2mp3 1.14

m3u2mp3 downloads the MP3 files listed inside "streaming" M3U files. This app is based on a Perl script, but provides full drap-and-drop support, as well as the ability to associate M3U files with this app (allowing double-click download of the M3U...