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Popular software
DebugView Portable 27 Jan 15
DbgKit 27 Feb 15
VBReFormer Professional Edition 30 Dec 14
Comm Operator 4 Dec 15
Ampare PHP Short Tag to Long Tag 19 Sep 15
Deleaker 21 Nov 14
ExeScript Editor 25 Jan 15
New Debugging Software for Windows 8
This is a free software application that reveals hidden, non-visible commands in addition to ASCII characters from keyboard emulation devices, such as a USB Barcode Scanner. This barcode decoder application is especially helpful in determining if...
Bineye 2.1.1
A small program utility that programmers and other developers can use to view/analyze and expand 32bit little endian integers. The program analyzes the integer to sub-ints of 4/2/1 byte(s) and rgbA colors' byte values. Each field of values has it's...
VBReFormer is the most advanced publically available VB decompiler in Visual Basic 5/6 decompilation technology. VBReFormer is a solution for recovering the design of each form and control, with all properties, values, all reference to external controls...
VB Decompiler is decompiler for programs (EXE, DLL or OCX) written in Visual Basic 5.0 and 6.0 and disassembler for programs written on .NET technology. As you know, programs in Visual Basic can be compiled into interpreted p-code or into native code....
HTML Validator 2.1
HTML Validator offers the validation of HTML from your Windows start menu, by simply entering a URL. It validates HTML against the W3C standards and works with different versions of HTML by reading the entered documents declartion...
Remote TestKit 4.1.2
"Remote TestKit" is a cloud-based mobile testing service featuring the world's fastest image transfer for Android/iOS Application developers. Remote Testkit provide over 250 Smartphones and Tablets as SaaS service. Developers can make real user experience...
Affinic Debugger GUI is designed as a graphical user interface for various debuggers. The current release is specifically targeted on GDB, the GNU debugger. With the graphical windows, ADG can unleash the full powerful GDB by viewing multiple types of...
SPDACom 1.0
SPDACom is serial port debug tool which supports the most common Bps from 300bps to 43000bps. There are TXD and RXD counter to record the amount of data. You can debug computer connection with peripheral devices using COM port, such as projector,...
Deleaker 3.0.10
Deleaker is a useful extension for Visual Studio 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013 that helps you to analyze programming errors, many of which are unique to Visual C++. Deleaker is a great tool for Visual C++ developers who occasionally have trouble detecting...
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Popular software
PE Section Name Modifier 8 Feb 15
DebugView Portable 27 Jan 15
VB Decompiler 14 Feb 15
Alloclave 1 Jan 15
LogFilter 8 Apr 16
Cppcheck Portable 22 Jan 15
VDisAsm 21 Jan 15