C4 CPU 1.2

C4 CPU -CPU & Ram Meter is a small application which provides useful information about your computer's processor and memory usage, allowing you to optimally utilize your PC resources and your PC performance and your hard drive usage.What is new in this...

SciMark Processors Lite

SciMark Processors Lite 2019.12.24 updated

CPU, as a central component of a computer system, has been required as a unit which can dynamically handle more and more threads, and thus single thread application can benefit from thread-splitting or thread-relaying, multi-thread application...

ESSaver PUE is a computerprogram that softwarematically monitors the energyusage for servers. The calculation model is patented. For a couple of years, datacenters have been striving to decrease their power consumption. This power consumption is...

WindowSMART 2013 (64-Bit) continuously monitors the health of hard disks and Solid State Disks (SSDs) in your desktops, laptops and even servers running Windows and alerts you if problems are detected. You can be notified by email, and if you have an...

SciMark Drives Lite

SciMark Drives Lite 2019.12.24 updated

Drive, as an electronic device, or as a combination of mechanics and electronics, its absolute performance is determined by its own processing unit and their mechanical/electronic structures, and therefore more powerful and optimized dedicated...

Virus, virus, virus, as safe as most antivirus are, there are certain online warm that tend to hide files, and make your drive empty. Many at times, the files are still in there, but are just hidden by such warm, and most antivirus are unable to retrieve...


EnguiMapCLI 1.2.1b

EnguiMapCLI was created as the result of a partnership between EnguiSoft and Kraig Beahn, CEO at L2Networks Corp. EnguiMapCLI provides basic CLI style IP MTU testing, estimating the default internet transit providers maximum transport unit, while also...

Active@ Hard Disk Monitor is a disk utility that monitors the status of your hard drives and scan for bad sectors. The system is based on the Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology (S.M.A.R.T.). This software monitors hard disk parameters such...