32bit Convert It

32bit Convert It 13.08.01

32bit Convert it is a unit conversion program. In the main window, you will see the tabs, [Length], [Area], [Volume], [Weight], [Density], [Speed], and [Temperature]. Each tab will contain the different units for measuring the unit type.Limitations:30-day...


MathSuite 5.0

MathSuite is a very powerful Mathematical Suite which deals principally with complex algebric and geometric operations. It is powered by the fabulous ExprEval C Parser. The main purpose of this project is fast math-oriented algorythm virtualization, with...


BoolGate 1.0

BoolGate provides a multitude of features for logic gate circuit creation and Boolean algebra manipulation. Using the fully interactive drag and drop circuit editor, circuit designs can be created and tested using BoolGate's built in simulation features....