With Santa jumping around on your screen, you'll have a merry Christmas for sure. Download this Christmas screensaver to enjoy the holidays even more. Includes Christmas greetings in many languages.Requirements:Windows...

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Enter the magnificent sanctuary of a beautiful old cathedral. It's not only an architectural masterpiece but a place where the worship of the Lord has been offered for hundreds of years. Feel the presence of the Spirit in these walls as you get to fly...

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Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, and the second-smallest planet in the solar system. It is about the same size as our Moon and their cratered surfaces actually have much in common. Mercury travels around the Sun faster than any other planet. It...

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The Sun is the most prominent feature in our Solar System. It is the largest object and contains approximately 98% of the total solar system mass. One hundred and nine Earths would be required to fit across the Sun's disk. Its outer visible layer has a...

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Saturn is a large gas planet. It has the lowest density of any planet in our solar system and would actually float if it was placed in water. The winds in its atmosphere reach speeds up to 1700 kilometers per hour. It is known for its extensive ring...

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Far far away, at the very edge of the Solar System lies Pluto, the ninth planet from the Sun. It is not only much smaller and less massive than every other planet, it is also smaller and less massive than seven moons of other planets. It has one natural...

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This ravishing animated 3D screensaver will take you to one of nature's most pristine wildlife areas a beautiful quiet green valley with several rapid brooks carrying fresh cold waters from the hills above. The enchanting sounds they produce along with...

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BabeSavers.com presents posh Spice herself, Mrs. Victoria Beckham for your viewing pleasure. Sit back and watch as this sexy Spice Girl struts her model like figure and almost undresses in this free screensaver. Contains non-nude...

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This brand new 3D screensaver will give you a chance to get an inside look at the way the Matrix works. You will find yourself in the long white corridor with multiple doors on either side all looking exactly the same. Behind these doors are various...

Everyone can remember the moments of sitting in the dark and watching the fire. Nothing can catch your eyes like the flames of burning fire. Download this Screensaver and add the magic of the irresistible charm of cyberfire to your...