German-Italian and Italian-German Slovoed dictionary software for Windows lets you easily find appropriate translation of any word and express yourself most precisely thanks to high translation rate, detailed and up-to-date dictionary bases and...
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Slovoed Classic German<>Polish Dictionary 16 Apr 15
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PONS Dictionary Italian <-> German Advanced 16 Apr 15
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Slovoed Classic English<>Polish Dictionary 16 Apr 15
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Berlitz Publishing is the unparalleled language-learning market leader, providing the global community with the skills needed to communicate with anyone, anywhere. Berlitz covers 30 world languages through audio programs, phrase books and dictionaries,...
The Langenscheidt Publishing Group is best known for its area of core competence: dictionaries and language learning material in various formats and on diverse media. Langenscheidt sets the highest editorial and production standards for all the products...
Collins has been at the forefront of dictionary publishing for over 175 years and is one of the world's most respected and market leading dictionary and language learning publishers. With all its heritage and expertise Collins prides itself on delivering...
The reliable companion for school, designed by PONS, with 290,000 keywords, phrases and translations. Do you read and write German texts at school, or need to learn vocabulary for the next test? Do you often look up German words in the process? The...
Slovoed Compact English Explanatory dictionary includes the most common translations with clear, concise definitions, occupies minimal memory space on your Mac and can be useful for those who learn foreign language from the beginning level. Outstanding...
Slovoed Deluxe French-Russian-French dictionary includes the fullest and most detailed translation articles with usage and sound samples, synonyms and antonyms, references, transcriptions and other important information. Slovoed Deluxe is an excellent...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate dictionary is the America's best-selling dictionary. Fully revised print edition featuring more than 225,000 definitions. New words and meanings, and extended thesaurus. English sound module is provided by Merriam-Webster and...
French-Spanish and Spanish-French Slovoed dictionary software for Windows lets you easily find appropriate translation of any word and express yourself most precisely thanks to high translation rate, detailed and up-to-date dictionary bases and...
Langenscheidt Standard-Dictionary Dutch provides dictionaries and language learning materials. Langenscheidt Standard-Dictionary Dutch offers around 79,000 entries (225,000 headwords, expressions and translations). It includes translations from and into...
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